Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Want To Have More Energy To Follow Your Dreams? Here's How

 Artistic Soul Within Facebook

I really like this article that I found. This amazing article is all about having more energy to pursue your dreams. It's called How To Reclaim Your Energy So You Can Follow Your Dreams by Bill Apablasa. If you are feeling drained all the time and you want to learn a valuable lesson on how to gain more energy for your dreams then this article will help you a lot.

I love this article because in today's world it can be very hard to have energy before and after a long day of work and family. Add in an illness or depression and you can find yourself crawling out of bed overwhelmed with fatigue. Even now with me moving from one state to another having to create a whole new routine for myself and adjusting to a new environment is very draining. That is why I love this article that Bill wrote. His article is packed with great ideas to have more energy to follow your dreams. It is truly a breath of fresh air.

Bill so wisely said, “Money is not the great currency of our time. Energy is. Physical energy to get out of bed, and positive energy to do something better with our lives. All the noblest dreams in the world mean nothing if we don't have the energy to pursue them”.

He is absolutely right. How can we pursue our dreams if we don't have the energy to pursue them? And anything can sap our energy. Years ago I had the worst headache in my life nonstop for 8 straight looong months and the doctors for a very long time couldn't figure out what was wrong and they kept giving me medication that seemed to make things worse. That experience drained me like nothing else in my life. Thank God the answer was found and I recovered but most people don't recover from life energy drains.

Bill said “That's the thing about energy; it can drain out of us in so many different ways. Sure, bad health will do it, but so will a toxic relationship, or not being able to pay your mortgage, or finding out your son is being bullied in school. Worry. Fear. Regret. Anger. They're all “pin in the balloon” energy busters. Fortunately, There's hope. Lots of hope. We just need to learn how to get our energy back. In fact, the fight to reclaim our energy is one of the most important battles we'll ever fight. Triumph here and we gain the strength to fight an even greater battle- the fight for our dreams and the life we imagined”.

Having energy is very important in every aspect of our lives. Without energy, we can't live our lives to the fullest. Like Bill said there is hope. In his article, Bill gives many great tips on how to have more energy. One of my favorite tip he gave was “Stay in the moment”. Bill said “Want to see your energy soar? Catch yourself living in the past or the future as often as you can”.

This is a very helpful tip. Before I started practicing being mindful using MBSR my mind was all over the place thinking about the past and the future. When I learned how to notice when I am ruminating or rehearsing the future and bring myself back to the present it really helped my anxiety and increased my energy a lot. If nothing else learn to be mindful and you will have a whole lot of energy to get things done. Bill said, “The present moment is the only place where we will find both peace and power”.

Another great point that Bill made was “Engage in activities that keep you in the moment”.
What I like to do to train myself to stay in the moment is to always start my day on purpose. I start my day very slow on purpose. Even if I have a busy day ahead I will wake up early just to start my day on purpose. First thing in the morning I go to the bathroom to wash up then go back to bed. I say my prayers, read the bible and another favorite book and set my intention for the day in my journal. Starting your day on purpose helps to set the tempo of the day. I have learned that if you start the day relaxed and mindful you will end the day relaxed and mindful with energy to spare.

There are so many great points in Bill's article I can go on and on. It's best that you study his article yourself and use what you learned in your daily life. Bill said “At the end of the day, all this adds up to a simple two-prong strategy. Avoid the things in life that take our energy away, and then find the magic that brings our energy back”.

You have the power to have all the energy you need to pursue your dreams. If you want to learn more on how to have more energy to live life and pursue your passions please read Bill Apablasa's article How To Reclaim Your Energy So You Can Follow Your Dreams. Learn to live your life on purpose and you will have more energy to live.

God Bless

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Let Go Of The Lack Of Motivation

 Artistic Soul Within Facebook

I have found an amazing article that is very uplifting and encouraging. It is titled An Open Letter To Those Who Have Lost Their Motivation written by Marc Chernoff. If you lack motivation because of your long life journey this article is for you.

This article is right on time for me because for the past 2 weeks I have felt a little discouraged and unmotivated. I have been working on being a Professional Life Coach for a year now and I still feel like I have 10,000 pieces to put together in order to be successful. The journey seems painfully sloooow but in my heart I know that this is what I was called to do and even if I wasn't getting paid I would still love helping people. It's just that I need movement and growth. My Sister recently told me "You Barbara, you must feel like you are slaying dragons or you will get depressed and unmotivated. You need to find dragons to slay". I think a lot of people are that way and that is why I want to share what I have learned in the last 2 weeks.

After talking to my sister I realized that she is right. I need to slay some dragons. The first question that I asked myself was what dragon do I want to slay? In other words, what do I really want to master? The answer came to me quickly. I reeaaaally want to master Transitional Coaching. There are a lot of people who are going through transitions right now and I want to help people get focused, motivated and clear about the next chapter in their lives. I want to help people who are going through life changes and even Spiritual Shifts that sometimes make us feel lost with having no clear direction.

The next question I asked myself was do I have everything I need to reach my goals? I have training and experience but there is still the 10,000 pieces to put together to have a successful coaching practice.

The last question that I asked myself was what can I do NOW to accomplish my goals? This question really shifted my perspective. I was so focused on being “there” until I completely lost focus on the NOW and NOW is all we have. I was more focused on looking at the 10,000 puzzle box and not focused on the smaller pieces piled on the table.

Marc in his article wisely said “No matter your circumstances, you always have what you need to take the next smallest step. As Epicurus so profoundly said, “Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.” Be mindful. Be present. Keep going. One small step at a time”.

"One small step at a time".

So now I set my alarm clock and wake up on purpose. Every morning I ask myself what do I need to do now to get to my goals? I get what I need to do done first before anything else then I am done for the day. I noticed that the most successful people are always focused on the task at hand and do what they need to do even when they don't feel like it.

I also learned that I am not trying to be a coach, I am a coach. I am not trying to be a writer, I am a writer. Coaches coach and Writers write. I have learned that in order to become what we desire to be we must BE what we want to be.

The last thing that I learned the last 2 weeks is to be constant even when you don't feel like it. Because I thought that my road was soooo long 1 day of watching So You Think You Can Dance marathon wouldn't hurt but 1 day turned into 2 days and 2 days turned into 2 weeks. I learned that we must stay constant or we will lose our momentum. Stick to a schedule even if you don't feel like it and you will be able to slay dragons with one swing.

I am excited about the future because today I got a lot done. 1 dragon down and many more to come. If you are looking for a motivating and uplifting article to help you put things into perspective please read An Open Letter To Those Who Have Lost Their Motivation written by Marc Chernoff. Remember that it is not about the destination it is all about the journey.

You have everything you need right now to continue on.

God Bless