Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The most powerful lesson you can ever learn to live your best life

 Artistic Soul Within Facebook

The mindset of dissatisfaction and distraction, the reality of never having or being enough effects every facet of our lives.

One day I saw my husband a little upset. I asked him what was wrong and he said “Every time I try to focus I feel like I am being pulled in every direction”. I said that is because you are looking at your problems all at one time. I'm ok, the church is ok, the house is ok. You don't have to do anything that you do not want to do right now. Right now at this moment, everything is ok. Don't allow everything to overwhelm you. Only focus on the things that you have absolute control over right now in this present moment and let go of everything else.

He immediately relaxed and was calm. What was interesting was that the next day he got some great ideas to handle all of the stress that he was facing and he is very happy right now.

We all have these moments of doubt, fear and the feeling of being pulled in the opposite direction. Many times we only see our dissatisfaction and distractions so much so we can't see a way through the fog. By letting go of dissatisfaction and focusing only on the present moment you free up mental space to see a way through any situation. Does this mean you have to be happy all the time? No, but letting go of your dissatisfaction and your attachment to the outcome will open up doors you can't even imagine.

The best way to let go of dissatisfaction and worry is the remind yourself where your source of supply comes from. For me, my source of supply comes from God. Everything that I have, all my needs and all my gifts come from God and I know that He wants me to succeed. I remind myself of this every single day when I wake up and right before I go to bed.

Reminding yourself that something greater than yourself is working things out for you will free you from anxiety, doubt, and fear because you are not just depending on yourself you are depending on something greater than yourself. You must first learn to let go. Even God can't fill a cup that is already full.

-Start by letting go just a little each day and work your way up to letting go the whole day. Even letting go just a little makes more room for greater things to come.

-Remind yourself that the source greater than yourself is working thing out for you and trust that He will do what He said He will do.

-Now that you have let go, get active and be passionate about your goals. Making small changes in your life can make a huge difference in your life. The time for talking and wishing things was better is over. What small steps can you take right now to make things better for yourself and others? Think about it for a moment then take those actions right now.

The greatest lesson you can learn is to have the serenity to accept the things you can not change, have the courage to change the things you know you can and gain wisdom to know the difference.

Let things go so you can grow.

If you need help in finding ways to let go please contact me on FB and I will be more than happy to help.

God Bless

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