Friday, November 3, 2017

Letting Go And Following Your Dreams Is Absolute Bravery

 Artistic Soul Within Facebook

A few years ago I heard a story about two soldiers standing by a river giving their horses some water. They looked up the tall beautiful waterfall and saw a monk on top of the waterfall admiring the view. As the monk was admiring the view he slipped on the rocks and fell into the water. He flowed over the waterfall onto the jagged rocks below and floated down the stream.

The two soldiers fearing that the monk was dead ran down the stream to look for the monk. Not too far down the stream, they saw the monk pulling himself out of the water and started to ring out his clothes. The soldiers noticed that the monk had no broken bones or scars. Other than being soaking wet the monk was perfectly fine. The soldiers amazed by what they saw asked the monk “How did you survive the fall from the waterfall and the jagged rocks below?” The monk replied “O it was easy. I just went where the water wanted me to go without fighting the current. If the water wanted me to go right, I went right, if the water wanted me to go left, I went left. I knew that if I just relaxed and just flow to where I need to be I would be unharmed”.

This short story is the secret sauce to manifesting what you desire. The monk knew that if he didn't fight the currants he would end up exactly where he needs to be. This is why the quote If a person can wish without worrying, every desire will be instantly fulfilled is soo true. When you start stressing and worrying that is when you hit every rock around you and brake everything inside you metaphorically speaking. If you can learn to relax and have faith you will always find yourself exactly where you need to be.

Recently I meet a man while shopping. My husband and I were in line getting ready to pay for our food and we started talking about the cost of everything and how it is quickly going up. The man said, “Yea and the cost of medication are very high too”. He told us that he just got out of the hospital earlier that day. Using his phone he showed us a photo of his nasty infected toe. It looked like he was stung by a scorpion. He said he spent a week in the hospital and now he has to pay $300 for his medication. My heart fell to the pit of my stomach because that is a lot of money and I knew he needed his meds but the man said “O don't worry about me. I have plenty of money to cover the cost”. I was thinking that the man had a great paying job but the man said “I haven't work a day in my life for the last 20 years”.

Whaaaaaaat? O-O I was trying really hard not to get all up in the man's business but I had to know what he was doing for the last 20 years. After a little digging, I learned that he was a professional poker player and earlier this year he placed second in a poker tournament winning $60,000. He told me that living as a professional poker player is not easy at all but he loved doing it and he couldn't see himself doing anything else with his life. He was living his dream.

I learned two things from him that day. I learned that it is always best to do what you love and focus on only one thing at a time. The second thing that I learned is that you have to build up a certain level of faith to be able to relax and flow in the natural current of life. Faith is all about being fully persuaded in the truth. The truth for him is that he could make a living as a professional poker player and he didn't have to worry about a $300 medical bill.

He was fully persuaded in this truth the moment he started playing 20 years ago and it has become his reality. I have seen this in many successful people and I have seen it in my own life. If you can learn to focus on one thing at a time, relax and have a certain level of faith being fully persuaded in your goals and desires you will always find yourself where you need to be.

Take Action

It is time to let go of your doubt and fears today. You already know what you want now just have faith that you can have it. The way that you know that you are on the right track is when you have a relaxed confidence and reassurance that your desires are on its way. Every day just take notice when you are fearful or worried. Just simply noticing can cause your body and mind to relax and flow to where you need to be. When you can wish without worrying, every desire will instantly be fulfilled.

God Bless

I love encouraging people every day and being visually impaired I support myself and my family with my writing and my art. If you love this quote and want to see more please visit my shop.

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