Friday, November 3, 2017

Letting Go And Following Your Dreams Is Absolute Bravery

 Artistic Soul Within Facebook

A few years ago I heard a story about two soldiers standing by a river giving their horses some water. They looked up the tall beautiful waterfall and saw a monk on top of the waterfall admiring the view. As the monk was admiring the view he slipped on the rocks and fell into the water. He flowed over the waterfall onto the jagged rocks below and floated down the stream.

The two soldiers fearing that the monk was dead ran down the stream to look for the monk. Not too far down the stream, they saw the monk pulling himself out of the water and started to ring out his clothes. The soldiers noticed that the monk had no broken bones or scars. Other than being soaking wet the monk was perfectly fine. The soldiers amazed by what they saw asked the monk “How did you survive the fall from the waterfall and the jagged rocks below?” The monk replied “O it was easy. I just went where the water wanted me to go without fighting the current. If the water wanted me to go right, I went right, if the water wanted me to go left, I went left. I knew that if I just relaxed and just flow to where I need to be I would be unharmed”.

This short story is the secret sauce to manifesting what you desire. The monk knew that if he didn't fight the currants he would end up exactly where he needs to be. This is why the quote If a person can wish without worrying, every desire will be instantly fulfilled is soo true. When you start stressing and worrying that is when you hit every rock around you and brake everything inside you metaphorically speaking. If you can learn to relax and have faith you will always find yourself exactly where you need to be.

Recently I meet a man while shopping. My husband and I were in line getting ready to pay for our food and we started talking about the cost of everything and how it is quickly going up. The man said, “Yea and the cost of medication are very high too”. He told us that he just got out of the hospital earlier that day. Using his phone he showed us a photo of his nasty infected toe. It looked like he was stung by a scorpion. He said he spent a week in the hospital and now he has to pay $300 for his medication. My heart fell to the pit of my stomach because that is a lot of money and I knew he needed his meds but the man said “O don't worry about me. I have plenty of money to cover the cost”. I was thinking that the man had a great paying job but the man said “I haven't work a day in my life for the last 20 years”.

Whaaaaaaat? O-O I was trying really hard not to get all up in the man's business but I had to know what he was doing for the last 20 years. After a little digging, I learned that he was a professional poker player and earlier this year he placed second in a poker tournament winning $60,000. He told me that living as a professional poker player is not easy at all but he loved doing it and he couldn't see himself doing anything else with his life. He was living his dream.

I learned two things from him that day. I learned that it is always best to do what you love and focus on only one thing at a time. The second thing that I learned is that you have to build up a certain level of faith to be able to relax and flow in the natural current of life. Faith is all about being fully persuaded in the truth. The truth for him is that he could make a living as a professional poker player and he didn't have to worry about a $300 medical bill.

He was fully persuaded in this truth the moment he started playing 20 years ago and it has become his reality. I have seen this in many successful people and I have seen it in my own life. If you can learn to focus on one thing at a time, relax and have a certain level of faith being fully persuaded in your goals and desires you will always find yourself where you need to be.

Take Action

It is time to let go of your doubt and fears today. You already know what you want now just have faith that you can have it. The way that you know that you are on the right track is when you have a relaxed confidence and reassurance that your desires are on its way. Every day just take notice when you are fearful or worried. Just simply noticing can cause your body and mind to relax and flow to where you need to be. When you can wish without worrying, every desire will instantly be fulfilled.

God Bless

I love encouraging people every day and being visually impaired I support myself and my family with my writing and my art. If you love this quote and want to see more please visit my shop.

 My Zazzle Store

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

You Are Destined for Greatness And Here Is Proof

Artistic Soul Within Facebook

You will always find what you seek. No matter what you desire your brain was designed to find what you are actively looking for.

I heard a story a long time ago about a man relaxing on the beach when he heard a young boy crying. He looked over and saw his mom trying hard to comfort him but the boy was really upset. The man walked over to the young boy and asked what's wrong? Why are you crying? In tears, the boy told the man that he lost his favorite pair of sunglasses in the sand. He looked everywhere and he couldn't find them. 

The man told the young boy "Don't worry. I'll find your sunglasses". He then walked in the direction the boy came from to look for the sunglasses. He walked for a while down the beach, stopped then reached deep down into the sand and pulled out the boy's sunglasses. He walked directly to the sunglasses that was buried in the sand. How did he find them? RAS Reticular Activating System. The man set his mind to only find the boy's sunglasses and ignored everything else.

I learned that the RAS is the Sherlock Holmes part the of the brain located in the brain stem. Without getting overly technical with information that you can easily google yourself, simply the RAS is believed to control the consciousness. More importantly, the RAS has the ability to focus your attention on one thing at a time.

The RAS also acts as a filter toning down the everyday noise and distractions. It keeps your senses from being overloaded. In a crowded party, your RAS helps you to stay focused on one conversation at a time without being overwhelmed and distracted by the music and everything else that goes on at the party. The most interesting thing about the RAS is that it is responsible for bringing what you want into clear focus.

You know when you want a certain car you will see it everywhere you go? That is because the RAS is picking up exactly what you want to see. It will bring to your attention exactly what you are looking for. The RAS is proof that what you seek you WILL find. Your brain is set up to find exactly what you seek but there is a catch. The RAS can only focus on one thing at a time.

When you are focused on everything at one time that is when you get overwhelmed and stressed. Your RAS is not able to pinpoint one thing so you will see eeeeeeevvvvery thing because that is what you are focused on seeing.

If the man on the beach got distracted and started focusing on everything around him he would have never found the boy's sunglasses buried in the sand.This is why focusing on one thing at a time is essential. I know what you are thinking But Barbara I have a life to live, I have bills to pay, school work to get done and my boyfriend is getting on my laaaast nerve. O No he didn't say what I think he said. Seriously how hard is it for him to return my text?

OK, I GET IT. You got issues but I challenge you to focus on just one thing when you wake up and just one thing right before you go to bed. This is important because your RAS is programmed to bring you what you are focused on. Always remember that your mind is set up to find exactly what you are looking for. All you have to do is know without a shadow of a doubt what you want and exclude everything else.

What I do every day is write 15 times what I would like to achieve. For example, I would write I Barbara Clay, make $60,000 a year in passive income and I am a master writer. Doing this keeps my mind squarely focused on what I want to achieve and my day always flows in that direction. Every day I do something towards my goals because my intention is set to do so and my RAS makes sure it gets done.

Take Action

What do you want? What do you really reeeally want? Once you have that figured out write it out 15 times every morning before you get out of bed. Set your intention the first thing in the morning. Your RAS will bring you what you consider the most important to you so make sure you program your RAS wisely. 

Your RAS is proof that you will have everything you desire. This is also proof that your hard work and focus is not for nothing. The longer you can stay focused on what you want the closer you will get to your desires. Tell your RAS what you want and expect success. See you are destined for greatness. Don't think you are know you are.

God Bless

I would love to hear your story. Have you ever focused on one thing and it manifested out of the blue? How do you stay focused on what you desire most? Please leave a comment.

My digital art and my blog is one way I support myself and my family. If you like the Quotes that you see in my blog and want to see more artwork please visit my store.

 Artistic Soul Within Zazzle

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Have Deafness To Doubt And Strong stick-to-it-ness

 Artistic Soul Within Facebook

"Don't dig up in doubt what you planted in faith" -Elisabeth Elliot

If you are struggling to have faith in your dreams and you let doubt and fear get in the way of achieving them then this article is for you.

I really do love this quote from Elisabeth Elliot because it really is very easy to dig up what you planted in faith with doubts and fears. Just recently I hit a brick wall of fear and frustration. My book is almost ready to be published and I haven't gotten an editor yet. Even though I went over my book many times trying my hardest to edit it after the third time reading a certain section of my book I still found errors in my book.

YES, I knoooow I am visually impaired so I know I can't see everything but even still a lot of doubt and fear creeped in, made its home in the most comfortable part of my mind and refuses to pay rent. So I started to think what if the book is not good enough? What if I don't catch all the errors in my book and my book just flops because it's so bad?

Then I thought about it and answered my own questions. What if I do find errors? Then just fix it as you find them. My book is not written in stone so I can fix it at any time. What if my book is not good enough? Seriously, with my perfectionist mind will my book eeever be good enough? ^_^ What if my book flops and no one likes it? I only have control over what I do. I have no control over whether or not people buy my book so just focus on what I do have control over and that is writing, learning and growing. Just getting the book done and published is an accomplishment of its own.

It would have been easier to change focus and start focusing on something other than writing a book, something more easier but if I did I would always be running because of my doubts and fears. I have learned that when we put a lens on our doubts and fears and take a really good look at them we start to realize that our fears and doubts are nothing more than our own insecurities. When we start to doubt ourselves that is when we start uprooting our dreams that we have spent so much time planting in faith. That is why I wrote my book in the first place. To help people learn how to have faith in themselves and have faith in the Creator because you rarely see anything right before you hit success. Success is an accumulation of all the work you have put into caring for the seed you have planted in faith.

Keep your dreams firmly planted and even if you don't see any movement at all just keep having faith because sooner or later you will see amazing things rise up for your in your life. If you just keep going you will have success.

I guess it's time for me to practice what I preach. Warts and all this book is going to be published. 

God Bless

 Artistic Soul Within Zazzle

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

My Top 6 Favorite Inspirational Memes

These are my new top 6 favorite memes for this week. I know that there is a lot going on in the world just this week alone and I feel the need to give you an extra dose of love and Inspiration to help you get through the week. I dedicate this blog to my church family in Nashville who is now in the healing process from losing a loved one from a church shooting Sunday. My heart and prayers go out to them and their families. Please keep them in your prayers and please keep me in your prayers. God Bless 

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Being Who You Are Is An Absolute Blessing

 Artistic Soul Within Facebook

If you are struggling to fit in and your dream is to just be who you are with no apologizes then this article is for you.

Just for the fun of it I looked up the word Normal and this is what I found; Normal- Conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.

This is why I really love Maya Angelou's quote “If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be”. Over the years I learned that “normal” is overrated and it is an unreachable goal. When I was thinking about this quote by Maya Angelou the first thing that came to my mind was how we all try to fit into societies rules but the rules are always changing. Society rules are like fashion one day a rule is in the next day it is out.

I am a Christian so I am very aware of all the rules that people, not God try to put on you to make themselves feel better. Trying to live up to other peoples expectations can be very suffocating and sometimes people will make you feel like there is no good in you at all because you are different and you don't fit in. Today I challenge that belief. There is a lot of good in you and if God wanted everyone to act or be the same he would have made us that way but you are unique. God broke the mold when he created you. You are like a star in the sky where no two is the same and like every star in the sky you are loved and appreciated. You bring light to everyone around you.

So how do we stop trying to be normal and just love who we are?

Take this moment just for yourself. Call up some very supportive friends and family and just enjoy the moment. Fill yourself up with love and if you don't have supportive family or friends go to the shelters and serve others. When you volunteer at a shelter or food bank people who need help are very supportive and loving. Just simply serving others who need help will fill you up with so much love and appreciation.

If being around people is not your thing try volunteering at an animal shelter. Let the cute puppies and kittens fill your heart up with love and maybe you can take one home for that extra dose of love every day. People at a soup kitchen or puppies at a shelter don't care about your past because we all have one and they will love all of you. I spent a lot of time volunteering at shelters and the people there are the most amazing people in the whole world.

The best way to overcome the need to be “normal” is to be around people who love all of you or animals who just want to be loved. I challenge you to let go of the world's standard and embrace yourself fully. Only then will you see how awesome you are. Let go of the pressure to fit in and you will be able to do some amazing things.

If you want to see how amazing you are try being yourself. Know that you are loved and appreciated. Don't think you are know you are. 
God Bless

 Artistic Soul Within Zazzle

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

My Top 6 Favorite Inspirational Memes

These are my top 6 favorite Inspirational and motivational Memes. As an NLP Spiritual Life Coach, my goal is to motivate and inspire people to live their best life. In order to manifest what you desire you must have a relaxed faith and the persistence to keep looking forward no matter what obstacles get in your way. I chose these memes to help you stay focused this week. You have everything that you need in order to succeed. All you need now is faith. Stay encouraged and keep moving forward. God Bless. 

 My Online Shop

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Your Peace Of Mind Is More Precious Than Gold.

 Artistic Soul Within Zazzle

If it costs you your peace of mind it's too expensive.

Our peace of mind is more precious than gold and this article is about protecting and cherishing our peace of mind. If you find yourself overwhelmed by stress this article is for you.

The last few months have been back to back stressful events in my life. I had to overcome a serious illness, moving again and dodging scorpions (YEA Scorpions!) in my new place. Along with financial hardships and family crisis after crisis, my life has been stacked with stress. Not to mention current events I find myself surrounded by things pulling at my peace of mind and my sanity.

Despite all of that I still find myself at peace and very happy. Even with all the storms of life, I have been able to grab peaceful moments in my day. Enough peace of mind that I am able to focus on things that I really love. I learned that we can not always control things outside of ourselves. We only have control of the space that is within us and I have learned to take full advantage of that. I have learned to start my day on purpose before any negativity or chaos have time to take hold. Using that peaceful time before I even get out of bed helped me to direct how I want my day to continue. I have learned that if I start my day off peaceful no matter what pit hole I fall into I can still keep my peace of mind and always find my way out.

For example, I wake up and do my prayers and meditations. After I do that I write out my intention for the day 15 times on paper. I do what I call a writing loop something that I learned from Scott Adams to solidify my intentions. I write something like I Barbara Clay, make passive income from books, digital art and blogging. I have writing mastery.... I write that 15 times every morning before I start my day and now I am clearly on my way to achieving just that. The writing loop really does work. My book is almost done and I love it. I am also selling my artwork.

Starting my day off on purpose really helped me a lot and I know it will also help you too. The things we want the most always start in the mind first so start your day creating what you want in your mind first before anything else has a chance to grab your attention. Take time the first thing in the morning to really care for yourself. If you find yourself overwhelmed and stressful start your day with a prayer and make a deceleration in writing of what you want to achieve for the day and each and every day.

I know if you start your day off on purpose and protect your peace you will always have enough peace of mind to continue on through the day. Yes, chaos may happen all around you but I know that if you learn to cultivate and protect your peace you can have the peace of mind to handle anything that comes your way. Never give up. You have everything you need to succeed. Don't think you do, know you do. God Bless.  

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 Artistic Soul Within Zazzle