Tuesday, October 24, 2017

You Are Destined for Greatness And Here Is Proof

Artistic Soul Within Facebook

You will always find what you seek. No matter what you desire your brain was designed to find what you are actively looking for.

I heard a story a long time ago about a man relaxing on the beach when he heard a young boy crying. He looked over and saw his mom trying hard to comfort him but the boy was really upset. The man walked over to the young boy and asked what's wrong? Why are you crying? In tears, the boy told the man that he lost his favorite pair of sunglasses in the sand. He looked everywhere and he couldn't find them. 

The man told the young boy "Don't worry. I'll find your sunglasses". He then walked in the direction the boy came from to look for the sunglasses. He walked for a while down the beach, stopped then reached deep down into the sand and pulled out the boy's sunglasses. He walked directly to the sunglasses that was buried in the sand. How did he find them? RAS Reticular Activating System. The man set his mind to only find the boy's sunglasses and ignored everything else.

I learned that the RAS is the Sherlock Holmes part the of the brain located in the brain stem. Without getting overly technical with information that you can easily google yourself, simply the RAS is believed to control the consciousness. More importantly, the RAS has the ability to focus your attention on one thing at a time.

The RAS also acts as a filter toning down the everyday noise and distractions. It keeps your senses from being overloaded. In a crowded party, your RAS helps you to stay focused on one conversation at a time without being overwhelmed and distracted by the music and everything else that goes on at the party. The most interesting thing about the RAS is that it is responsible for bringing what you want into clear focus.

You know when you want a certain car you will see it everywhere you go? That is because the RAS is picking up exactly what you want to see. It will bring to your attention exactly what you are looking for. The RAS is proof that what you seek you WILL find. Your brain is set up to find exactly what you seek but there is a catch. The RAS can only focus on one thing at a time.

When you are focused on everything at one time that is when you get overwhelmed and stressed. Your RAS is not able to pinpoint one thing so you will see eeeeeeevvvvery thing because that is what you are focused on seeing.

If the man on the beach got distracted and started focusing on everything around him he would have never found the boy's sunglasses buried in the sand.This is why focusing on one thing at a time is essential. I know what you are thinking But Barbara I have a life to live, I have bills to pay, school work to get done and my boyfriend is getting on my laaaast nerve. O No he didn't say what I think he said. Seriously how hard is it for him to return my text?

OK, I GET IT. You got issues but I challenge you to focus on just one thing when you wake up and just one thing right before you go to bed. This is important because your RAS is programmed to bring you what you are focused on. Always remember that your mind is set up to find exactly what you are looking for. All you have to do is know without a shadow of a doubt what you want and exclude everything else.

What I do every day is write 15 times what I would like to achieve. For example, I would write I Barbara Clay, make $60,000 a year in passive income and I am a master writer. Doing this keeps my mind squarely focused on what I want to achieve and my day always flows in that direction. Every day I do something towards my goals because my intention is set to do so and my RAS makes sure it gets done.

Take Action

What do you want? What do you really reeeally want? Once you have that figured out write it out 15 times every morning before you get out of bed. Set your intention the first thing in the morning. Your RAS will bring you what you consider the most important to you so make sure you program your RAS wisely. 

Your RAS is proof that you will have everything you desire. This is also proof that your hard work and focus is not for nothing. The longer you can stay focused on what you want the closer you will get to your desires. Tell your RAS what you want and expect success. See you are destined for greatness. Don't think you are know you are.

God Bless

I would love to hear your story. Have you ever focused on one thing and it manifested out of the blue? How do you stay focused on what you desire most? Please leave a comment.

My digital art and my blog is one way I support myself and my family. If you like the Quotes that you see in my blog and want to see more artwork please visit my store.

 Artistic Soul Within Zazzle

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