Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Let Go And Relax. Everything Is Going To Be Ok.

 Artistic Soul Within Facebook

I really love this Article by Marc Chernoff titled 7 Things You Gain When You Let Go Of Control. I love it because I use to be the type of person who had a hard time letting go. OK OK, I am still having a hard time letting things go ;-) This is why this article hit home with me and I know it will hit home with you too.

Marc talks about the benefits of letting go of controlling everything and there are so many benefits when you simply let go. I know how it feels to want to control how people act and think. I wanted to be liked and accepted. I also wanted to control how people treated me. One hard lesson I learned in my life was that I didn't have to convenience people of who I was or justify who I chose to be. The lifestyle that I chose is not a very popular lifestyle to many people. I was told that a family that choose NOT to have 2 incomes is craaaazy, but that is what my husband and I chose for our lives. I chose to work in the home. I tried really hard to justify why I chose this life but still many of my family and friends looked at me like I was crazy. It was very hard getting very little encouragement for what I was trying to do which was to simply take care of my husband and do what I love to do, but now after 19 years of marriage (when most marriages don't last more than 8 years) I'm starting to feel the love ^_^ lol smh. What I did for 19 years was stick to my natural flow, what felt right to me even if it didn't look right to everyone else. I stayed true to myself.

Marc said, “The truth is, people will see what they want to see whether you worry about it or not. It's time to let go of trying to control how everyone perceives you. It's time to just do the best you can” and that is exactly what I did.

I loved it when Marc talked about in his article how you get more by doing less. I know that this sounds crazy and counter-intuitive, but this is soo true. I was just studying the law of effortless ease and the law of letting go and let God. In Marc's article, he said, “You can decide how you spend your time, whom you socialize with, whom you share your life, money and energy with. You can choose to love and appreciate the people in your life for exactly who they are. You can choose how you're going to respond to surprises and disappointments when they arise, and whether you will see them as a curse or opportunities for emotional growth.... And most importantly, you can choose to let go of control and adjust your attitude in an instant, which dictates pretty much everything else”. You can get a lot more done when you slow down, let go and be mindful.

Letting go of control isn't easy. I know because I tried really hard to control what people thought about me, but if you take a little time to learn to let go of control over everything your world will open up like never before. There is a huge amount of benefits when we let go of what other people think of us, let go of planning every detail of our lives and let go of the crazy things people do in this world that we don't like. When we let go we free ourselves to be more of ourselves. If you feel stressed and worried all the time please read Marc Chernoff's article titled 7 Things You Gain When You Let Go Of Control. Remember we can't control everything, we can only control ourselves. Trust the process and know that everything is going to be Ok.

God Bless

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