Friday, July 17, 2015

The Things You Are Passionate About Is Calling You. Answer It

 Artistic Soul Within Facebook

I love this article written by Jen Picicci titled Escaping the trap of “Shoulds” and do what you want to do. This is a short, sweet and to the point article on how to free yourself of shoulds and live a life that we are passionate about. In this very fun to read article, Jen talks about why “should” is not your friend.

Have you ever felt frustrated or traped thinking that you are only doing what you are doing because you “should” or because you “Had to”? Even if it didn't feel right you did it anyway. Should is like a crazy roommate who doesn't pay the rent. It sits on the couch of your mind telling you that you should do this and you should do that. Should never make you feel good at all. Want to is different. When we do things because we want to do it we put out ourselves in a position to live our life to the fullest. We do things that speak to our soul. When we do things because we want to and we are passionate about it other people benefit because they will receive the fruits from the warehouse of your own personal resource. A place in you that is genuine and authentic. A place that is full of life and joy.

Someone recently told me that you can't always do things that make you happy. That is a big excuse I said. You are just too afraid to try. Many people do things because they are afraid to look silly, they are afraid to fail and then hear someone else say I told you so. Jen perfectly said, “I'm so thankful that I was brave enough to move past the excuses when it mattered most”. Should keeps you stuck right where you are, doing the same grind day in and day out. At some point, you have to be brave and Ignore the “should”.

Jen said, “You actually don't have to believe every single thought that comes into your head, especially ones that make you miserable and drive you further from doing what makes your heart sing. Next time you hear yourself saying you “should” do something, try saying, “I hear you, but I don't believe you, so I'm going to think about something else now.” She is absolutely right. There is nothing noble about suffering. If you are doing things because you should and not because you want to and love to do it you are not giving your best, you are not giving the best part of yourself.

I am not saying to drop everything in your life, but I am saying examine yourself. Why are you doing what you are doing? Is it because you should or is it because you want to do it and love to do it? Doing things out of love is way better than doing it any other way. Should is not your friend. You CAN live a life that you desire, a life of joy and peace. It just takes a mindful and deliberate effort to do so.

Jen said, “I really believe that everyone will feel more content, confident, and in touch with their true selves if they can learn to do things because they want to not because they should”. If you feel that there is something more for you in your life but you can't seem to take that leap of faith because of “should” then please read Jen Picicci article titled Escaping the trap of “Shoulds” and do what you want to do. In it she gives great tips on how to live a life that you want to live.

If you want more helpful inspirational tips please visit me HERE on Facebook.

God Bless

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