Friday, July 3, 2015

Let Empathy Be Your Strength

Artistic Soul Within Facebook

This article really spoke to me... I love this article written by Rena Greenberg titled How to Overcome Emotional Overload When You’re Highly Empathetic because I know many people will relate to this article... Have you ever been angry and you don't know why you are so angry but you just feel angry? Does everything seem to bother you and make you angry or sad? I had day's when I would get sick with anger and sadness every time I was around someone who was really upset or angry. I use to have headaches every single day and I use to cry for days when I seen someone hurt. Many times I didn't even know why I was so angry or sad.

For the longest time, I thought that this was just me being emotional, sensitive or hormonal. It took a long time before I realized that I am highly empathetic. Yes everyone can experience empathy but sometimes this empathetic nature never gets turned off. For those who are not empathetic imagine feeling EVERYONES emotions without a filter. How would you know which emotions are your own? This is what I feel every day. Many people are empathetic and don't even realize it and many people who know that they are empathetic don't take precautions to protect themselves. They allow themselves to get swept up in every emotion.

In Rena's article she said, “I’m not responsible for fixing the energy or the situation. My only responsibility was and is how am I managing my own energy: am I adding goodness, love, and warmth to the space and people around me, or am I contributing to the creation of a frenetic and fearful environment?”. She also said “The key to stay balanced for me is to continuously stay connected to my heart—my deeper, spiritual self—and when I stray from there by getting caught up in the voices in my head or the drama unfolding around me, to know the short-cut back to center".

Always know your way back to the center and be conscious of the energy you are adding to your environment. Being Empathetic can be your strength if you use it wisely. There is nothing wrong in getting angry or upset but always find your way back to the center. This is what I learned the most within the last year. If you don't have balance in your life you will find yourself all over the place. You don't need to necessarily disconnect from people, but you do need to learn to let go and go back to the center, to be at peace within yourself. Learn to protect your own peace of mind. 

Rena's article is great. She masterfully gives 4 great ways to find balance in your life. We have to learn that we can't fix everyone's problems and it's ok if we don't. Also learning to control your emotions will not only benefit you but it will also benefit everyone around you. Learn how empathy can be a strength. Read Rena Greenberg's article titled How to Overcome Emotional Overload When You’re Highly Empathetic. I hope that it helps you as much as it helped me.

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