Tuesday, August 4, 2015

You are the light of the world. Go ahead and shine.

 Artistic Soul Within Facebook

This is an amazing article written by Perry Manzano titled “How to keep your spirits up when you're bombarded with negativity all day”. If you find yourself constantly surrounded by negativity or negative people in general this article is for you.

There is a lot of negativity going on in this world today. We see it all around us and to top it all off many people have to go to work and to school just to deal with even more negative people. If negativity is a part of our everyday life we have to be better prepared to handle the daily bombardment of negativity. After reading this very well written article by Perry Manzano it helped me to realize that we can guard ourselves against negativity and live a peaceful and happy life despite what is going on around us. There are times when we must be around negative people, but there is a way to effectively protect ourselves against negativity.

Perry Manzano said, “If someone's being negative toward you, and you realize it's influencing you for the worst, make a conscious effort to get back in the driver's seat and be in control. Instead of mirroring their energy, try to help them mirror yours. Be glad that you're in a more positive state, and reflect the desired positive outcome back at them. If they raise their voice, you speak calmly. If they're rude, you act politely. That's the name of the game. Now it's just a matter of who caves in first. Maintain your energy, and stay the course no matter what. You'll know you've got them when they start matching your tone. He also said, “Remember, they're not really attacking you. They're attacking the problem. The problem itself in not a part of you; it's a separate entity”. I agree with this wholeheartedly and it works every time.

I loved it when he said “Your Positive actions make you your own leader, not a follower”. You can't change the negativity of the world, but you can change how you deal with it. You can change how you react. It is really up to you. Negativity is really how you perceive it. You have a choice to be a light or to be a part of the other persons darkness. Don't let other people dictate how you feel.

The best advice Perry Manzano gave is to “Treat yourself when you feel the negativity getting to you”.
My favorite thing to do after a hard day is to relax in a hot bath while eating a bowl full of delicious ice cream or strawberries with whip cream mmm heaven... In your daily life you should have a plan to clear out any negativity or that energy will get stuck in you and fester like a cancer. Negativity exist and even positive people can have a bad day from time to time. We may not be able to change the whole world but your goal should simply be to allow the world to match your beautiful light. Even if the world doesn't match your amazing light you will still have the ultimate inner peace that no one can take away. Guard against negativity by choosing to keep your spirits high and be the light of the world.

If you are dealing with a lot of negativity in your life and you want to learn the most effective way of dealing with it please read Perry Manzano article titled “How to keep your spirits up when you're bombarded with negativity all day”. In it Perry Manzano gives 5 amazing tips on how to handle everyday negativity. I hope that this article inspires you to live life to the fullest no matter how negative the world may be. You are the light of the world. Go ahead and shine.

God Bless

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