Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Your Choice Is A Blessing

 Artistic Soul Within Facebook

I am soo happy I came across this Article written by Stephanie Kwong. The article is called 3 words that will change your entire life, if you let them. When I read this article it put a big smile on my face and I know it will do the same for you.

This article written by Stephanie is very short but very powerful. I really enjoyed reading it a lot. The article is about how Stephanie grudgingly wakes up one morning to go to yoga class and after finally getting out the door she comes across a woman on crutches with one leg. The woman pointed to her while Stephanie was holding her yoga mat and asked her “are you going to yoga?” Yes, Stephanie replied. The woman smiled and said “Good for you. You're lucky.”

At that moment, Stephanie realized something life changing. She said, “I learned that if we've chosen to do something we'll gain from it, even if we can't see what that is. Yet.” She goes on and said “There are benefits in the choices and decisions we make. And in those moments of have-to's and should's, we can shift into an attitude of get-to, which will transform our experience of those moments to being one of choice and a blessing.”

I love what she is saying. Living from a place of I get-to can really change our lives in such tremendous ways. We get so caught up in I have to do this and I have to do that until we don't recognize the blessings in our everyday choices.... Being a preacher's wife can be challenging. My husband have been preaching for many years now. I use to feel like a wallflower sitting in my husband's shadow for a long time but one day I took a trip to my sister's house in Seattle WA and being vision impaired I needed an escort at the airport. The escort I got was really nice. He asked me where I was from and I told him I was traveling from Oklahoma to Portland OR. I told him my husband is a preacher and a ministerial student at OCU. He said, “O you're a preacher's wife.” I said yes for almost 20 years. He said something that I would never forget. He said, “You are an amazing person. Don't ever think that you are less than your husband. Not too many people can do what you do. What you are doing is a great work. Keep doing what you are doing.” What he said filled my heart with so much joy and totally changed my perspective. It was soo right on time because I had my doubts if anybody noticed what I was doing and all the hard work that I was putting in every single day.

After reading Stephanie's Article, I realized that I am blessed in so many ways. I realized that I don't have to do anything. I get to do everything I choose to do. I am where I am today because of the choices I made yesterday. We are so blessed that we get to choose our day and how our day will proceed from this moment on. Even in stressful times we have a choice. Getting into a state of gratitude opens up many more blessings to come our way. Changing your perception can change your whole life. I realize that I don't have to do anything but I get to do everything that I desire.

There is a benefit to changing your perspective from have-to to get-to. Stephanie said, “I now wake up with more vibrancy and gratitude, reminding myself of all that I get to do, get to be, get to know. Lucky me”. That is exactly how I feel about my life. I get to be a preacher's wife. I get to be a Mindfulness Coach. I get to study all the subjects that help me to grow as a person. I even get to see lol not perfectly but enough to write this blog. I get to share my thoughts with some amazing people and meet some amazing people. What more can I ask for? I am blessed.

If you want to learn how to change your perspective from have-to to get-to please read Stephanie Kwong's article titled 3 words that will change your entire life, if you let them. I hope this article inspires you as much as it has inspired me. 

God Bless

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