Thursday, September 14, 2017

Your Peace Of Mind Is More Precious Than Gold.

 Artistic Soul Within Zazzle

If it costs you your peace of mind it's too expensive.

Our peace of mind is more precious than gold and this article is about protecting and cherishing our peace of mind. If you find yourself overwhelmed by stress this article is for you.

The last few months have been back to back stressful events in my life. I had to overcome a serious illness, moving again and dodging scorpions (YEA Scorpions!) in my new place. Along with financial hardships and family crisis after crisis, my life has been stacked with stress. Not to mention current events I find myself surrounded by things pulling at my peace of mind and my sanity.

Despite all of that I still find myself at peace and very happy. Even with all the storms of life, I have been able to grab peaceful moments in my day. Enough peace of mind that I am able to focus on things that I really love. I learned that we can not always control things outside of ourselves. We only have control of the space that is within us and I have learned to take full advantage of that. I have learned to start my day on purpose before any negativity or chaos have time to take hold. Using that peaceful time before I even get out of bed helped me to direct how I want my day to continue. I have learned that if I start my day off peaceful no matter what pit hole I fall into I can still keep my peace of mind and always find my way out.

For example, I wake up and do my prayers and meditations. After I do that I write out my intention for the day 15 times on paper. I do what I call a writing loop something that I learned from Scott Adams to solidify my intentions. I write something like I Barbara Clay, make passive income from books, digital art and blogging. I have writing mastery.... I write that 15 times every morning before I start my day and now I am clearly on my way to achieving just that. The writing loop really does work. My book is almost done and I love it. I am also selling my artwork.

Starting my day off on purpose really helped me a lot and I know it will also help you too. The things we want the most always start in the mind first so start your day creating what you want in your mind first before anything else has a chance to grab your attention. Take time the first thing in the morning to really care for yourself. If you find yourself overwhelmed and stressful start your day with a prayer and make a deceleration in writing of what you want to achieve for the day and each and every day.

I know if you start your day off on purpose and protect your peace you will always have enough peace of mind to continue on through the day. Yes, chaos may happen all around you but I know that if you learn to cultivate and protect your peace you can have the peace of mind to handle anything that comes your way. Never give up. You have everything you need to succeed. Don't think you do, know you do. God Bless.  

Love the artwork? You can purchase my art here

 Artistic Soul Within Zazzle

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