Monday, February 9, 2015

I know what love is. Love it putting someone else's needs before your own. - Olaf

The greatest gift that you can give to someone this Valentine’s day is your presence. Many people over estimate being fully present with the people they care about. They think that simply showing up is enough but the gift that is more precious then gold and diamonds is the gift of your full presence.

People know when you are being fully present. There is a genuine feel to it. When I went to serve food at the shelter I noticed that the people who served for years seemed to be the most present with the people who came through the doors for help. You can just feel it. You can tell that the servers where their to serve not to be served.

This Valentine’s day be fully present with the people you love. If you are single and feel like love is in short supply go to the shelter and serve others until you are full of love. Remember love don't start from outside of yourself. It starts from inside and radiates outwardly. When you show love being fully present with the people you serve without expecting anything in return then you will find yourself surrounded by nothing but love and gratitude....

I know what love is. Love it putting someone else's needs before your own. - Olaf

Happy Valentine’s Week ^_^

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