Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Gratitude Changes EVERYTHING.....

I just received great news from my eye doctor. After doing more test on my eyes he said that I am doing very well and I wont need surgery or treatment for my Macular Degeneration. The doctor was surprised because after the results of my first round of tests 2 years ago he was sure that I was going blind but when I went in to see him for more tests and treatment there was only a slight decline in my vision from the last tests.

He said “Wow what ever you are doing keep doing it because it's working”. When he said that I wanted to fall over laughing because I have been doing a lot to see if I could slow or halt the decline in my vision without mentioning what I have been doing to anyone... I wanted to blurt out and tell the doctor what I have been doing but I didn't want to sound like a crazy woman so I just bit my lip and smiled ^_^

The doctor said at this rate I don't have to worry about loosing my eye sight or having any complications from MD. I was extremely grateful to hear that. In truth I was extremely grateful way before I went into the doctors office for more testing. When the doctor told me that I was going to loose my eye sight 2 years ago of course I was devastated and I went through a great deal of depression but a year after I was diagnosed I realized I had everything I needed to succeed.

I wanted to see. I knew about the Law of Attraction and all of the self help things that I could do but I ask myself what was the ONE thing that I can do that can truly change everything? The answer that came to me was except going blind. Make being blind my greatest asset. Be grateful, don't fight it embrace it. When that thought came into my mind I thought I was going crazy. No one in MY world would do such a thing. Also this is the total opposite of what I wanted and If I told anyone that I was embracing going blind they would think I am crazy and that I am simply giving in to defeat.

I took notice of a lot of things in my life in just the last 2 years. I noticed the more I resisted going blind the worse I felt. The more I tried to “fix” my eye sight the worse my eye sight got from stress so I thought well what if I stopped and just embraced it. Not in a pity party sort of way but in a more positive way. What would I have to loose. So I changed the way I thought about my eye sight. I embraced the thought of going blind and owned it. I pretty much put a ring on it.

Every day I said to myself I have Macular Degeneration and I may go blind. It's ok I love and except myself any way. I am grateful for what I have... I am afraid to go for a long walk out side by myself because I am having a hard time seeing. It's ok I love and except myself any way. I am just grateful that at lease I can step outside and feel the sun on my skin. Maybe tomorrow I can go farther... My eyes hurt. It's ok I love and except myself any way. I just need to rest my eyes for a while and when I open them I will feel much better. I am grateful that I can get some rest even just for a moment. I am also grateful I can still see something when I open my eyes.

Every day for the last 9 months I embraced everything and my whole world started to changed. I was also careful to avoid stress, negative talk and negative people. I knew these things are bad for my health. With negative people I would listen to them but I would hold my positive center which became my anchor. I always kept what I was trying to accomplish at the far front of my mind so I tried hard not to indulge in negativity in any way even at the cost of coming across looking like I didn't care. It's not that I didn't care it was just that my focus was on slowing down or halting the decline of my eye sight so if I have to avoid negative people like the plague to keep my eye sight then that is what I must do.

Many people says it's bad to go blind. Someone once told me “if I was told I was going blind I would kill myself” :-/ (Yea someone really sad that to me the first year I was deep in depression smh). If you was to hear some people talk it's bad to feel any discomfort and any pain. In the last year I learned to look at my discomfort, pain and Macular Degeneration like a crying baby. If you was holding a crying baby in your arms would you fight it, harshly tell it stop crying and I wish you wasn't here or would you hold the baby, try to sooth it and tell the baby it's ok woo woo woo everything is going to be alright?

What we resist persist. Why do we treat our pains and afflictions like an evil that must be fought and conquered? What if we took the opposite approach and become grateful for everything we are going through even the most painful events? I remember hearing a true story about a Priest who was wrongly accused of sorcery. He was locked up in prison and the guards only gave him nasty, smelly stale water with stale bread. After 40 days the guards saw that the priest was healthier and stronger then when he first arrived. Convinced that the priest was practicing sorcery the guards took the priest to question him and after brutal torture the priest confessed that he had prayed over the water thanking God for the trials that he was going through. The stinky water turned clear and he was able to drink the water.

The Priest thanked God for the trials that he was going through and the stinky water became clear and drinkable. I prayed and I was grateful for the trials that I was going through and the decline in my eye sight was tremendously slowed almost halted. If you are in a situation where things seem to be just bad and miserable try gratitude. Yea it may sound like a crazy thing to do in the mist of your misery and God knows this is not always an easy thing to do. Could you embrace going blind? I did it and I got a very positive out come and I am very happy. My story is not rare. I have come across many people who have done the same thing with similar results. If I could halt becoming blind by simply embracing my situation and showing gratitude what can you do?

People keep telling me Barbara just having a positive attitude don't always change thing. I say Gratitude changes EVERYTHING. If you don't believe me try it.

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