Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Wake Up And Be Grateful. You Have Greatness Within You.

 Artistic Soul Within Facebook

I really enjoyed reading this short but sweet article written by Marc Chernoff titled 12 little known laws of gratitude that will change your life. This article really hit the mark on what is needed to achieve greatness.

Gratitude really is the key to everything you desire. In his very first paragraph, Marc said, “Gratitude leads to greatness. It can literally turn what you have into more than enough, jobs into joy, chaos into order, uncertainty into clarity, and bring peace to an otherwise chaotic day”. He goes on to talk about how whenever you show appreciation you get more of what you desire. This is overlooked by so many people. Gratitude is essential for personal growth and spiritual growth.

I know you probably heard about gratitude many times before. I have written about it many times, but this is something that really must be highlighted in your mind because gratitude really is the key to what you desire. So many people take for granted these little known laws. Maybe because it is too simple or we are forgetful. We must understand that if we want success in our lives we must show gratitude for what we already have. Gratitude is what gives you that spark to set off what you desire. Without Gratitude all you have is an unlit candle in the dark.

It is nearly impossible to be sad when you are counting your blessings and because of the joy you have you will have many more blessings to count. Marc in his article goes on to say “It makes no sense to condemn or regret an important life lesson”. Remember that what you focus on you get more of so don't sit too long wishing you would have done things differently. Focus on what you are grateful for now, make changes for the future and do better. Marc said, “Gratitude makes sense of yesterday, brings peace to the present and creates a positive vision for tomorrow”. Be grateful that you have room to grow and move forward to a better tomorrow.

Gratitude also puts things into perspective. Marc said “Good days give you happiness and bad days bays give you wisdom. Both are essential”. Gratitude helps us to see clearly and live our lives to the fullest. I love when Marc said in his article “What matters most is not what you say but how you live. Don't say it, show it. Don't promise it, prove it.” You don't have to say a word. Your life will show how much you are grateful for not just in riches and wealth but how content you are and how much joy you have for living life. It will also show in how you give to others.

Marc in his article said, “The highest form of prayer is giving thanks”. This is sooo true because giving thanks when you pray opens doors to what you truly desire. He ended his short article with an awesome quote by his grandmother. “Life should be lived with a little more gratitude and a little less attitude.” If you are still wondering why you are not where you want to be consider counting your blessings and take notes from Marc's great article titled 12 little known laws of gratitude that will change your life. If you challenge yourself to count your blessings every day, relax and let go, what you desire will come to you. I have seen it in my life and I know that you will see it in yours.

God Bless

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