Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Let Go And Give Yourself Permission To Live.

 Artistic Soul Within Facebook

I have found an amazing article written by Tess Marshall titled 21 Tips To Release Self-Neglect and Love Yourself In Action. This article is all about giving ourselves permission to live and in today's society this is greatly needed. If you are looking to step out of the norm and learn to give yourself permission to live then I know you will love Tess Marshall's article.

This article really hit home with me because I feel like I have this constant pressure to do more and be different. In my heart, I know being who I really want to be will cause me to stand out of the crowd in unfavorable ways with some people. So what do I do? Do I fit in and make people comfortable or do I stand out and live my life to the fullest even if it makes people uncomfortable? In the end, I am choosing to stand out with no apologies and I thank God for helping me to make this decision in my life.

In Tess's article, she said, “We're taught by society that our worth is found in the idols of our culture- technology, status, youth, sex, power, money, attractiveness, and romantic relationships. If you base your self worth on the external world, you'll never be capable of self-love. Your inner critic will flood you with thoughts of “I'm not enough, I don't have enough, and I don't do enough.” Feeling of lack are never-ending. Every time a goal is reached or you possess the next big thing, your ego will move the line.” Tess is sooo right on point. If we keep our focus on what other people think of us that feeling of lack and not being good enough will be never-ending. We have to learn how to love and trust ourselves. Only then we can live our lives to the fullest.

In order to give ourselves permission to live, we must spend some time looking inwardly. Meditating daily and writing or drawing in a gratitude journal is very helpful. Trying something new every day will also help in giving yourself permission to live. Like Tess said, “You have a right to an awesome life.” Give yourself permission to be awesome.

I have learned that letting go and excepting uncertainty also plays a big part of giving yourself permission to live. Of course, I want to make everyone comfortable and I would love everyone to like me but I am ok if they don't. I am giving myself permission to live my life with no apologies. Tess said in her article “Speak up and speak out. Allow yourself to be seen, known and heard. Get comfortable with intimacy (in-to-me-see).” I love this. Don't be afraid to stand out and be seen even if it makes others uncomfortable because in the end you can't please everyone so you might as well be yourself.

Tess said, “Be willing to surrender and grow. Life is a journey. We are here to learn and love on a deeper level. Love yourself enough to believe in the limitless opportunities available to you.” There are a lot of people who will tell you all the things you can and can not do and that what you are doing is not enough. Be courageous, block those voices out of your mind and own your unlimited potential. If you sit quietly and listen, you already know what is best for your life and it may not add up to what other people think is best for your life. Trust in yourself. You know what to do.

Giving yourself permission to live life to the fullest takes courage, hard work and patience. Every day you must decide to live. Every day you must strive to have that singular focus to live life to the fullest. I totally understand that it will not be easy and some people in your life may fall off the grid but in the end it will all be worth it. If you are looking to learn how to give yourself permission to live please read Tess Marshall 21 Tips To Release Self-Neglect and Love Yourself In Action. I can go on and on about Tess's article. I love ALL 21 tips and I know you will find each tip very helpful too. Read her tips, do a gratitude journal and every day give yourself permission to live. I see the best in you.

God Bless

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