Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Let Go And Live Your Life To The Fullest.

 Artistic Soul Within Facebook

I really enjoyed this article by Marc Chernoff titled 4 Questions that will change your attitude (When you can't change anything else). I am starting to be a big fan of Marc. He has written so many great articles and this is another great one.

In this article Marc talks about how our attitude plays a major role in our success in life. I know it's hard to keep a positive attitude when you are going through a lot in your life. Trust me I know. I have gone through childhood traumas, overcame illness after illness then ending up being told by the doctors that I have Macular Degeneration and I am about to go blind soon. Sooo Yea I know how hard it is to keep a positive attitude, but I know that it's because of my positive attitude lol and A LOT of prayers I am where I am today.

Marc said it perfectly “Regardless of what you're going through, it's about choosing: Will I allow this to upset me? Will I choose to make this bad or good? Will I choose to stay or walk away? Will I choose to yell or whisper? Will I choose to react or take the time to respond?” He also said "Peace of mind arrives the moment you come to peace with what's on your mind. It happens when you let go of the need to be anywhere but where you are, physically and emotionally. This acceptance of the way things are creates the foundation for inner harmony. The need for something to be different in this moment is nothing more than a worry, and worries simply lead you in circles."

I totally agree with what he said. Acceptance doesn't mean staying stuck in your situation. Acceptance simply gives you the space to move forward mindfully. When I was told that I was going blind my mind understandably was all over the place. I was deeply depression after the diagnosis. I eventually got to a point where I was able to sit with what is, embrace what is (pain and all) and eventually found calm and peace within myself. Enough calm and peace to create a whole new life for myself... In the famous book Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill I remember reading a story about a father who had a son who was born without ears and every night he would tell his son “Your disability will be your greatest asset.” His son grew up to do amazing things in his life. I thought to myself why can't this be me? Why can't what I have in this present moment be my greatest asset? There are many famous blind artist. Acceptance gave me a clear vision to set a course to where I really wanted to be in my life.

Marc said so wisely “It's always the right time to embrace the present- just the detached awareness and acceptance of right here, right now. Only then do you have the power to focus on your challenges and opportunities more mindfully- and that changes everything.” I have learned the last few years that any attachment to a certain outcome brings a lot of suffering. I had to learn to let go of my “plans” for my life and just flow to my greatest good. Flow to what really brings me joy. Years ago I would have never dreamed of writing a blog or being a Spiritual Mindfulness Life Coach but here I am living a life beyond my wildest dreams.

Marc said, “Your greatest weapon against stress and negativity is your ability to choose one thought over another. Happiness escapes from those who refuse to see the good in what they have. When life gives you every reason to be negative, think positive.” Letting go and learning to flow will open up so many doors and windows for you in your life as it did for me. Understand that your thoughts create your life and the only moment you have is right now. Choose your thoughts wisely because what you continue to focus on you will manifest.

If you are struggling with worry and letting go please read Marc Chernoff's article titled 4 Questions that will change your attitude(When you can't change anything else). Study each question and cultivate peace and harmony in your life. You have everything that you need to succeed. Learn to let go, relax deeply and success will be yours.

God Bless