Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Living The Life Of Your Dreams Is Absolute Bravery

 Artistic Soul Within Facebook

I really enjoyed reading this article by Bethany Rosselit called Forget “Should” and live the life you want to live. Her article starts off with this awesome quote “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson. In today's world, it is an act of bravery to step out of the “norm” and be who you really want to be. If you are looking to be inspired to live the life of your dreams then I know you will love Bethany Rosselit's article.

I know how it is to really want something and people tell you that it is not good enough. I grew up with constant criticism. Even as an adult people will say if your dreams don't scare it's not big enough. If you are not working 2 jobs, you are not working hard enough. If you don't have a big house on a hill you are not rich enough. You know what's funny? All these people who say these things never really stop and ask anyone hey what do YOU really want? What will fill YOUR life with joy? What do YOU value the most? It might not be anything scary or a big house on a hill. It might be something simple as a tiny house by a lake with a dog watching the sun rise and sun set every day. To live a simple, peaceful and happy life. If this is the life that you want to live then be brave and strive to live a simple life. This is your life.

This is why I love Bethany's article so much. She asked herself what would really make her happy, she then went out and made it happen and it was faaaar from the “norm”. She is a huge inspiration to me because she was willing to brave criticism, brave the hard work to make it happen, brave her own fears and above all she stuck to her values.

Bethany said in her article “Ask yourself what you value rather then just doing things because you are supposed to. This is your life, and there is nothing that you must do. Everything is a choice, even when you think it is not.” A lot of times we don't take the time to think about what we really value. We are soo accustomed to being on auto pilot and we don't stop and think about what our values are and what would really make us happy. Take a moment right now to think about your values and don't be afraid to honor your values and dreams.

In Bethany's article, she also talks about how we should not be afraid of Change. She said, “Move with the flow of life rather than resisting it. Be ready to move on when it is time.” She is so right on point in what she said. To get from here to where we want to be we must change and our environment must change. Change is necessary for growth.

Don't be afraid of change and don't be afraid of criticism. Bethany said, “When someone criticizes or judges your choices, they are only showing their own misunderstanding. It is an insecure person who judges another person's choices.” People will criticize. Take it for what it is and move on towards your goals and your dreams. If you stick to your values it will be all worth it in the end. Trust me I know. Trust yourself and know that you have everything that you need in order to succeed.

If you are looking for more inspiration to live the life of your dreams please read Bethany Rosselit's article titled Forget “Should” and live the life you want to live. Read her article, be brave and live the life of your dreams... I see the best in you.

God Bless

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