Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Let Go And Live Your Passion

 Artistic Soul Within Facebook

I love this article written by Esther Litchfield-Fink titled Why hard work might not pay off (and what will). This article that Esther has written is a very well thought out and beautifully written article about how we should put our passions first. If you are looking for a life filled with passion, I know you will enjoy her article as much as I did.

In today’s world it can be sometimes difficult to put your passions first but with a few mindful changes that Esther perfectly written about in her article I believe anyone can live a passionate life. I have noticed that the truly successful people are doing what they love and all great success was done with passion. So if you really want to be successful you have to find what you are passionate about and do it to the fullest.

The best part about living a passionate life is that you don't have to quit your day job to live a passionate life. You can start right where you are. I know that you may be thinking that I am working a full-time job and I have 10 kids. How can I find the time to work on my passions? By the yard it hard but inch by inch anything is a cinch. Focus and Determination are key. First figure out what you are passionate about then work out a detailed plan to make it happen. Once you have all the details figured out work on it one hour a day and make those hours count. It may take a lot of patience, but those hours add up to the life of your dreams. Don't worry about motivation at first. Esther in her article said it perfectly “Passion is not always strong and powerful. It can be calm and deep. Don't worry about motivation. Once you feel the passion for something, the motivation comes with little effort.” I wholeheartedly agree with this. Just start and keep going.

One of the best advises in Esther's article that I loooove is “Hide from those that bring you down”. YES YES YES!!! Esther said, “Steer clear of the “hard work and little passion and play” people. Seek out those that understand how acting from passion first enhances your life and the life of everyone around you.” This is very important. I use to have people around me that use to sap my energy because I wasn't living up to their expectations. It was very hard, but I had to let those people go and avoid them like the plague because they were not helping me to get to where I need to be. Avoid people who bring you down and have no desire to help you achieve your dreams.

In Esther's Article, she said, “Know that sometimes life is hard. And work is hard. World and life events and tragedies bring us down and out of happiness and passion. Know that this is necessary so you can see the contrast of living from passion first to living from the work hard place.” she said Remember, when you have passion about something you are more willing to take risks. Everyone can decide to work hard, but passion means something different to each person. Follow yours.”

Living a passionate life is not always easy. It may mean looking deep within yourself and making changes from within. It may mean reevaluating your relationships and prioritizing your time, but I know that the main ingredient to success is passion. Without passion all we have is a feeling of being stuck, depression and anger. Passion gives us balance. It is the thing that fills us with life.

What are you passionate about? What gives you life? What feeds your soul? You have everything that you need to succeed. Don't be afraid to live the passionate life... If you are looking for ways to put your passions first please read Esther Litchfield- Fink's article Why hard work might not pay off (and what will). Read her inspirational article and learn to put your passions first because you are worth it.

God Bless

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