Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Smile Because You Have A Choice

 Artistic Soul Within Facebook

This article written by Liz Goodchild is truly amazing. She wrote an article titled You Have A Choice: Your Future Can Be Better Than The Past. This is a very beautiful, powerful and heartfelt article about how we can choose to change our lives no matter how bad things are in our lives. In her amazing life story, Liz shows how we have the choice to carry yesterday's pain or let it go.

Realizing that you have a choice is very empowering. In today's world, we all have faced or is facing a tremendous amount of pain in our lives. We are constantly being overwhelmed by fearful events. I myself have spent years overcoming 8 years of childhood abuse and the mental pain that lasted years after the abuse ended. It took me years to learn that yesterday's pain do not have to equal to today’s pain. I had to learn to let go. I learned that yesterday's pain only darkens the present moment. Letting go of my past helped me to realize that in this present moment I know that I am safe, I am loved and I am happy.... You have a choice: You can hold on to all the pain and anger in the world or you can choose to let it go. Your future really can be better than the past. Today can be better than yesterday. Realize that you have a choice... You have a choice.

If you are going through major struggles right now or simply just want to be inspired please read Liz Goodchild's article titled You Have A Choice: Your Future Can Be Better Than The Past. I hope you are inspired by her story like I was inspired. Know that yesterday's problems do not have to equate to today's problems and yesterday's pain do not have to be today's pain. Even if you only made tiny changes each day you can let it all go and live a life of freedom. See how Liz Goodchild did it and know that you can do it too.

God Bless

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

You Are Worth It

 Artistic Soul Within Facebook

I really enjoyed reading this article written by Laura Christine titled From Successful to REALLY Successful In Just 5 Minutes A Day. This article is great because she talks about how the most important step to being successful is by showing yourself love. I know it sounds a little simplistic, but it's true. The best way to success is to take time out for yourself.

Laura said in her article “Self-love is kind of a big deal these days. A lot of successful people know it's import to set aside time for themselves, but they just don't know how to find it”. Laura also goes on to say “What the REALLY successful people know is that they are in control of time, and their ability to manipulate it stems directly from their willingness to prioritize their own self-love”. This is the key to success. I tell people all the time that you can't take care of others until you take good care of yourself. A little TLC goes a looong way and Laura talks about how a little TLC can also make you very successful.

Laura in her article talks about how 5 minutes a day of mindful meditation and self-love can get you closer to everything you have dreamed of in life. This is in line with what I have learned about the law of detachment/ the law of letting go. Taking time out even just for 5 minutes a day will help you realize that everything is ok and you have everything that you need to succeed. Take a look at Laura's article and try her instructions on what to do in 5 minutes that can help you to be happy and successful. Just 5 minutes of solid meditation can really make a difference in your life. I have seen this for myself and it works. Please read Laura Christine's article From Successful to REALLY Successful In Just 5 Minutes A Day and take 5 good solid uninterrupted minutes a day for yourself because you are worth it.

If you would like to see more helpful tips please follow me HERE on Facebook.

God Bless

Friday, July 17, 2015

The Things You Are Passionate About Is Calling You. Answer It

 Artistic Soul Within Facebook

I love this article written by Jen Picicci titled Escaping the trap of “Shoulds” and do what you want to do. This is a short, sweet and to the point article on how to free yourself of shoulds and live a life that we are passionate about. In this very fun to read article, Jen talks about why “should” is not your friend.

Have you ever felt frustrated or traped thinking that you are only doing what you are doing because you “should” or because you “Had to”? Even if it didn't feel right you did it anyway. Should is like a crazy roommate who doesn't pay the rent. It sits on the couch of your mind telling you that you should do this and you should do that. Should never make you feel good at all. Want to is different. When we do things because we want to do it we put out ourselves in a position to live our life to the fullest. We do things that speak to our soul. When we do things because we want to and we are passionate about it other people benefit because they will receive the fruits from the warehouse of your own personal resource. A place in you that is genuine and authentic. A place that is full of life and joy.

Someone recently told me that you can't always do things that make you happy. That is a big excuse I said. You are just too afraid to try. Many people do things because they are afraid to look silly, they are afraid to fail and then hear someone else say I told you so. Jen perfectly said, “I'm so thankful that I was brave enough to move past the excuses when it mattered most”. Should keeps you stuck right where you are, doing the same grind day in and day out. At some point, you have to be brave and Ignore the “should”.

Jen said, “You actually don't have to believe every single thought that comes into your head, especially ones that make you miserable and drive you further from doing what makes your heart sing. Next time you hear yourself saying you “should” do something, try saying, “I hear you, but I don't believe you, so I'm going to think about something else now.” She is absolutely right. There is nothing noble about suffering. If you are doing things because you should and not because you want to and love to do it you are not giving your best, you are not giving the best part of yourself.

I am not saying to drop everything in your life, but I am saying examine yourself. Why are you doing what you are doing? Is it because you should or is it because you want to do it and love to do it? Doing things out of love is way better than doing it any other way. Should is not your friend. You CAN live a life that you desire, a life of joy and peace. It just takes a mindful and deliberate effort to do so.

Jen said, “I really believe that everyone will feel more content, confident, and in touch with their true selves if they can learn to do things because they want to not because they should”. If you feel that there is something more for you in your life but you can't seem to take that leap of faith because of “should” then please read Jen Picicci article titled Escaping the trap of “Shoulds” and do what you want to do. In it she gives great tips on how to live a life that you want to live.

If you want more helpful inspirational tips please visit me HERE on Facebook.

God Bless

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Let Go And Relax. Everything Is Going To Be Ok.

 Artistic Soul Within Facebook

I really love this Article by Marc Chernoff titled 7 Things You Gain When You Let Go Of Control. I love it because I use to be the type of person who had a hard time letting go. OK OK, I am still having a hard time letting things go ;-) This is why this article hit home with me and I know it will hit home with you too.

Marc talks about the benefits of letting go of controlling everything and there are so many benefits when you simply let go. I know how it feels to want to control how people act and think. I wanted to be liked and accepted. I also wanted to control how people treated me. One hard lesson I learned in my life was that I didn't have to convenience people of who I was or justify who I chose to be. The lifestyle that I chose is not a very popular lifestyle to many people. I was told that a family that choose NOT to have 2 incomes is craaaazy, but that is what my husband and I chose for our lives. I chose to work in the home. I tried really hard to justify why I chose this life but still many of my family and friends looked at me like I was crazy. It was very hard getting very little encouragement for what I was trying to do which was to simply take care of my husband and do what I love to do, but now after 19 years of marriage (when most marriages don't last more than 8 years) I'm starting to feel the love ^_^ lol smh. What I did for 19 years was stick to my natural flow, what felt right to me even if it didn't look right to everyone else. I stayed true to myself.

Marc said, “The truth is, people will see what they want to see whether you worry about it or not. It's time to let go of trying to control how everyone perceives you. It's time to just do the best you can” and that is exactly what I did.

I loved it when Marc talked about in his article how you get more by doing less. I know that this sounds crazy and counter-intuitive, but this is soo true. I was just studying the law of effortless ease and the law of letting go and let God. In Marc's article, he said, “You can decide how you spend your time, whom you socialize with, whom you share your life, money and energy with. You can choose to love and appreciate the people in your life for exactly who they are. You can choose how you're going to respond to surprises and disappointments when they arise, and whether you will see them as a curse or opportunities for emotional growth.... And most importantly, you can choose to let go of control and adjust your attitude in an instant, which dictates pretty much everything else”. You can get a lot more done when you slow down, let go and be mindful.

Letting go of control isn't easy. I know because I tried really hard to control what people thought about me, but if you take a little time to learn to let go of control over everything your world will open up like never before. There is a huge amount of benefits when we let go of what other people think of us, let go of planning every detail of our lives and let go of the crazy things people do in this world that we don't like. When we let go we free ourselves to be more of ourselves. If you feel stressed and worried all the time please read Marc Chernoff's article titled 7 Things You Gain When You Let Go Of Control. Remember we can't control everything, we can only control ourselves. Trust the process and know that everything is going to be Ok.

God Bless

Friday, July 10, 2015

My Top 4 Favorite Inspirational Blogs and Meme's

My Top 4 Favorite Inspirational Blogs and Meme's

These are a collection of my top 4 favorite Inspirational Blog posts and my favorite Meme's. My goal is to inspire, Encourage and Uplift everyone who read my blog. I am on an ongoing journey to be a great Spiritual Life Coach and I thank all my followers for taking this journey with me. I hope you have a wonderful day today. Stay Encouraged. God Bless

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 Artistic Soul Within Facebook

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

You Are The Gift That Keeps Giving

 Artistic Soul Within Facebook

I love Susan Shain's article The simple, free and foolproof way to become a happier person. She very beautifully talked about how volunteering can change your life and bring you so much joy that you can't imagine. I agree that if you want to have more joy in your life then volunteer. 

I remember a few years ago my husband and I was running a Church youth group in Las Vegas and we decided to take the youth to the homeless shelter to volunteer to feeding the homeless. We didn't realize that none of the teens ever been to a homeless shelter and a few of them and their parents were too afraid to go. I will never forget when we took one young lady, she was 13 at the time. As we drove by a long line of tents to the shelter you can feel she was really nervous. I saw her with wide eyes looking out the window of the car at the people living on the streets in tents. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. “These people live here?” she asked. I said yes these are the people we are here to serve today. She said, “seriously they don't have any homes?” I said They live on the streets in tents and they don't have any food to eat. We are here to feed them. She had never been downtown to see all the homeless people living on the streets. She never saw what was beyond the bright lights of the Las Vegas Strip. My husband and I knew because we lived there for a short time. She honestly didn't know what a homeless person looked like until that day. I looked at her as she looked out the window of the car and she looked like she was about to cry. She kept saying I can't believe this, I can't believe this.

I looked at my husband and smiled because I knew this was an experience she would never forget. A experience that will change her life. She was put in charge of handing out the fruit to everyone that walked through the door of the shelter. I stood beside her handing out bags of bread. I saw her go from being very nervous to extremely happy as each person thanked her for the fruit that she gave them. You could see a sense of purpose and pride on her face. She knew that she was making a difference in these people's lives even in just a small simple way of giving fruit to people who were hungry. At the end of the day, she was jumping up and down very excited asking when will we be going back to serve again? I wanted to teach her that the most important thing that we can do is help those in need. Don't simply talk, tweet or facebook about helping, go down to the shelter and help. Even if it is just simply to pass out a bag of bread or fruit.

I can totally relate to Susan when she said “I volunteer because I feel like something’s missing in my life if I don't”. Volunteering gives me a sense of purpose and joy. I have something special to give each person that I come across and so do you. Like the young lady, we took to the shelter to feed the homeless, your presence, and your love are a gift. You are a precious gift to someone.

Many times I come across people who complain about their situation and how messed up the world is. I always suggest to go volunteer and change the world. Susan in her article talks about how when we volunteer we don't just change someone else's life we at the same time change our own life. If you are feeling sad, frustrated and angry about your situation, your life or your surroundings I greatly suggest that you get outside of yourself and go help someone in need. Your spirit will thank you and so will the people you help. Read Susan Shain's article The simple, free and foolproof way to become a happier person and be that precious gift in someone's life. See how your own life quickly change when you volunteer to help someone in need.

God bless   

Friday, July 3, 2015

Let Empathy Be Your Strength

Artistic Soul Within Facebook

This article really spoke to me... I love this article written by Rena Greenberg titled How to Overcome Emotional Overload When You’re Highly Empathetic because I know many people will relate to this article... Have you ever been angry and you don't know why you are so angry but you just feel angry? Does everything seem to bother you and make you angry or sad? I had day's when I would get sick with anger and sadness every time I was around someone who was really upset or angry. I use to have headaches every single day and I use to cry for days when I seen someone hurt. Many times I didn't even know why I was so angry or sad.

For the longest time, I thought that this was just me being emotional, sensitive or hormonal. It took a long time before I realized that I am highly empathetic. Yes everyone can experience empathy but sometimes this empathetic nature never gets turned off. For those who are not empathetic imagine feeling EVERYONES emotions without a filter. How would you know which emotions are your own? This is what I feel every day. Many people are empathetic and don't even realize it and many people who know that they are empathetic don't take precautions to protect themselves. They allow themselves to get swept up in every emotion.

In Rena's article she said, “I’m not responsible for fixing the energy or the situation. My only responsibility was and is how am I managing my own energy: am I adding goodness, love, and warmth to the space and people around me, or am I contributing to the creation of a frenetic and fearful environment?”. She also said “The key to stay balanced for me is to continuously stay connected to my heart—my deeper, spiritual self—and when I stray from there by getting caught up in the voices in my head or the drama unfolding around me, to know the short-cut back to center".

Always know your way back to the center and be conscious of the energy you are adding to your environment. Being Empathetic can be your strength if you use it wisely. There is nothing wrong in getting angry or upset but always find your way back to the center. This is what I learned the most within the last year. If you don't have balance in your life you will find yourself all over the place. You don't need to necessarily disconnect from people, but you do need to learn to let go and go back to the center, to be at peace within yourself. Learn to protect your own peace of mind. 

Rena's article is great. She masterfully gives 4 great ways to find balance in your life. We have to learn that we can't fix everyone's problems and it's ok if we don't. Also learning to control your emotions will not only benefit you but it will also benefit everyone around you. Learn how empathy can be a strength. Read Rena Greenberg's article titled How to Overcome Emotional Overload When You’re Highly Empathetic. I hope that it helps you as much as it helped me.