Tuesday, June 2, 2015

You Are Who You Believe You Are

 Artistic Soul Within Facebook

I really enjoyed this article by Marc Charnoff titled 3 Beliefs You Have That Hold You Back... This article is huuugely inspiring because we have all been there. You try something as a kid and you are told you are not good enough. You dream big and your family thinks that you think you are better then every one else and that you need to face “reality” and live in the “real” world. As a child after expressing my biggest dream of becoming a Cartoonist I was told who do think you are? Do you think you are better then me? You have so many strikes against you. You are black and you are a female so they will never let you be a cartoonist.

As a child I desperately tried to make my family see that I could be anything I wanted to be and I craved their approval but as I grew up I learned that trying to get their approval was a big mistake. I found a way to block the noise and keep moving forward. Marc expertly covers this and a few other things in his short but sweet article. He talks about how we as children are trained to ask others for permission and we are not trained to ask ourselves who we really are. We are not trained to discover things for ourselves. It takes courage to become who you truly are. Marc beautifully talks about how you CAN get what ever it is that you want in your life even if you have to scrape, fight and claw for it. Don't give up.

It took me being diagnosed with Macular Degeneration and told that I was going blind before I realized that there is nothing I can't do. It took a lot of soul searching and a lot of hard work to get where I am right now in my life. I am a Life Coach, Artist, Writer and June 8th I will be celebrating my 19th wedding anniversary ^_^ If I can overcome being vision impaired you can overcome your day-to-day struggles. I said it once and I will say it again you have everything you need in order to succeed. Please read Marc Charnoff article titled 3 Beliefs You Have That Hold You Back. Remove those limiting beliefs and become the person you truly are.

God Bless 

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