Tuesday, March 24, 2015

How to develop a feeling of Expectation to attract what you desire in your life.

There are things that come naturally to us. If you are a person like myself you love coffee or ice cream ^_^ take your pick. When you want coffee without much thought you get up and go brew a cup of coffee or some people have coffee from coffee machines that has a timer that they set the night before so when they get up in the morning the coffee is already made hot and ready. I would looove to have one of these coffee machines for my birthday June 27th ^_^ hint hint lol

Coffee along with many other things most of us don't have to think about it. When we run out of coffee we trust that when we go to the store we can buy more coffee no problem. I have never met a person who horded coffee or sat back and had a long conversation about yesterdays cup of coffee. I have not talked to too many people about my very first cup of coffee. Why? Because Most of us just focus on the cup of coffee that they are enjoying in that moment. We also take for granted that coffee is abundant and is easy to get.

Over the years I came to realize that there is a lot just as abundant and easy to get as coffee is. I realized even more so it's not about the thing in and of itself that matters it's about my attitude towards that thing that makes all the difference. Let's go back to the coffee. What is my attitude towards the coffee?

I wake up, get my favorite cup to put my coffee in, clean out the coffee machine and prepare fresh ground coffee to put into the machine. I take a moment to enjoy the aroma, put the coffee into the machine, add water, press a button and wait for that awesome nectar to pour into my cup. I add cream and sugar and savor every drop.

Can you see my attitude towards coffee. I don't hate coffee. I love it. What if I hate coffee but had to drink it any way? Well it would be a drag to do and it would probably take me an hour to get the whole cup of coffee down if at all. Well this is how life in general is. Have you noticed that things that you love and feel joyful about comes easy to you? Some times we ask for things but we hate the work required to get it. Lets say I love coffee but I hate making it. That is ok because there is always more then one way to get what you desire. Some people will go to the coffee shop every day to get there favorite cup of coffee and they ALWAYS have money to get it.

Have you noticed that those same people don't mind spending $3 to $4.50 or more to get 1 cup of coffee. The fact is this is what they intend to do so the money will always be there. Bills will be due but they will still have that daily coffee. Why is getting a cup of coffee different then getting anything else? The answer is Expectation. I know I am going to get a cup of coffee in the morning even if God forbid my beloved coffee machine brakes down. I know exactly where I can easily get coffee. I know I will never run out of coffee.

I heard people say if your expectation is too high you are setting yourself up for a fall. I respect that point of view however I strongly believe the opposite. Even if this was true more people have gained so much after failing or falling a thousand times then a person who has not fallen or failed once. Thomas Edison had big expectations in creating the light bulb and he failed a lot of times now look at where we all are right now. My number one tip is don't be afraid to have high expectations and don't be afraid to fail.

Like you expect to have your favorite cup of coffee in the morning have the same expectations about your goals and dreams. Life is just as abundant as coffee. Just believing that alone you can accomplish so much in your life.

Here are some simple steps to attract what you want in your life like coffee oor ice cream ^_^

  1. Know what you want. This sounds like a given but it really is not. Life is like coffee it will not make itself unless you have one of those special machines that makes your coffee for you but even still you have to know what type of coffee you want. Their is plan black coffee, French Vanilla, Dark Roast or #Kopi Luwak lol Google it. Yes you want coffee but you must know exactly what kind of coffee you want and in the case of Kopi Luwak why lol. Life is just like coffee. It is abundant but we must know exactly what we want and why. People who go to a coffee house and say just give me any coffee usually end up unhappy.

  1. Develop your feelings of Expectation in such a way that in every situation you encounter you will expect to learn something new or develop a new idea that will change your life... Actively look for what you want KNOWING you will find something that will help you to get to where you want to be. Your mind has a way of finding that very thing you are constantly thinking about. That is why repetition of thought creates your reality. Know that if you seek you will find. If you knock the door will be opened to you.

  1. Always assume you are always in the right place at the right time. Everything is as it needs to be in order for you to succeed. All the highs and all the lows in your past was to prepare you for this moment right now. You are now prepared for what ever comes your way. When a great idea comes you will be psychologically and physically prepared to accept and act upon any great idea. Don't look down on your past. Everything that has happened in the past was to prepare you for this moment right now. Find a way to let your past go because you can't have a better tomorrow if you are still thinking about yesterday.

  1. An extremely helpful tip is to have a since of openness and expectation the first thing in the morning. Maybe with your morning coffee. Ask yourself besides this cup of coffee what else can I attract into my life today? Then go on with your day with excitement knowing that something great is going to happen.

  1. Last but not least RELAX.... Life should be like relaxing with a cup of coffee. If you are stressed when making a cup of coffee you are doing it wrong lol. Seriously the more you relax, the more you simply just let go the faster what you desire will come to you. You will know you are in the right state of mind when your desires comes to you as simply as a great cup of coffee would. It will feel energetic and deeply rewarding. If you are stressed in any way about your dreams and desire you are actually repelling them. You must learn to develop a since of ease and wonder when it comes to your dreams. Only then you will attract what you desire.

Life should be full of wonder and excitement. Life wasn't meant to be seen through a rear view mirror. No one has accomplish anything looking backwards. All the greats all looked forward. You are one of the greats and I hope you take this time to look forward and accomplish what is really on your heart to do.

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present. - Ooqway

I hope your life is full of joy and excitement. Have a wonderful day today.

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