Tuesday, June 16, 2015

You Are Fearless And Unstopable

 Artistic Soul Within Facebook

I had a bad dream that turned into a great adventure. It was very eye opening. In my dream I went to the movies with my family and once the movie was over we started to leave the theater but I forgot my purse and my walking stick so I told my family to wait for me as I go back to get my things. When I got my things and headed back to my family my vision got dark and very blurry. In my dream, I was reminded that I have Macular Degeneration and today was the day that I would lose all my eyesight and in the middle of a crowded theater.

As I was looking for my family through the darkness I tried to listen for them but I couldn't hear them. They were gone. I walked around thinking that if I can just get outside I would find them but for a brief moment my heart started racing and I couldn't breath. I thought what if I can't find my way? I was afraid. The moment I started to panic through the darkness I saw my little niece 5 years old running towards me with open arms to give me a hug. I laughed and asked where is your mom? She took me by the hand and led me to where everyone was getting into the Scooby Doo van lol. They said get in Barbara. Let's go home. I got into the van and we went on a crazy adventure through LA lol.

Carla Birnberg wrote an amazing article titled 4 Things To Remember When Fear Is Holding You Back. What she wrote was just what I needed to hear. My favorite part was when she talked about how over thinking everything accomplishes nothing. In her article, Carla said “Yes, Fear lets us fall prey to paralysis by analysis. When we allow fear to permeate our excitement it stops us dead in our tracks. We become paralyzed by the mere thought of pushing past and making our way toward a more positive emotion. We become stuck in the cycle of what if.....? Conjuring mental images of various worst-case scenarios. Our brain, riddled with fear, ceases to acknowledge past successes and becomes wholly focused on the perceived terror of the experience to come. Unease and uncertainty paralyze us, and we become stuck in a downward cycle. The solution? Stop thinking and start doing”. What Carla said was powerful and right on time.

Losing my eyesight scares me but I refuse to let fear hold me back. That dream and Carla's article taught me to move beyond my fears, get into the Scooby Doo van and go have an adventure.
I invite you to go have an adventure. If you find yourself guided by fear please read Carla Birnberg's article titled 4 Things To Remember When Fear Is Holding You Back and move beyond your fears as I do myself every.... single.... day ^_^

God Bless

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